Muldoon, Idaho

EMX’s Muldoon Project is hosted by Eocene granodiorite porphyry intrusions within a multi-km thick package of Mississippian carbonaceous/calcareous sedimentary units equivalent to the Popovich Formation in Nevada. Targets on the Muldoon Project include a reduced intrusion-related and/or Au skarn system, carbonate-replacement Ag-Pb-Zn-Au mineralization, and sedimentary rock-hosted Au-As-Sb mineralization.

The Project lies in the core of a regional NNW-trending anticline. Veins, massive sulfide replacement bodies and alteration zones trend NE-NW. Post-mineral NNW normal faults juxtapose various levels of hydrothermal system. Alteration styles include proximal calc-silicate hornfels/marble with chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, minor hedenbergite»andradite skarn, intermediate carbonate replacement galena-sphalerite-arsenopyrite, and distal Au-As-Sb disseminated sediment-hosted mineralization. Geochemical signatures are a useful tool to vector towards the intrusive system and can be categorized as proximal Cu-Au-Mo (Ag-Pb-Zn), intermediate Ag-Pb-Zn, distal Au-As-Sb, and widespread anomalous As-Sb-Bi-W typical of a reduced magmatic-hydrothermal system. EMX interprets that there were likely multiple overprinting events.

Historical rock chip sampling across the property identified widespread zoned Au-As-Sb (Ag-Pb-Zn-Bi-Cu-Mo), with numerous zones of >1 g/t Au (up to 50 g/t Au, n=382, avg.=0.32 g/t Au). There has been minimal drilling, however, three 1989 drill holes targeting carbonate replacement Ag mineralization intercepted 3.2m @ 4.8 g/t Au, inc. 1.2m @ 11.6 g/t Au. No exploration programs have focused on the Au potential of this area.

Note: Historical drill results are in unpublished exploration reports and maps from Hecla Mining (1988-1991). EMX has not performed sufficient work to verify these results, and these data cannot be verified as being compliant with NI43-101 standards, but EMX believes this information is considered reliable and relevant.


Geochemical survey of the Muldoon project Click to Enlarge
