Richmond Mountain, Nevada
Richmond Mountain is a Carlin-style gold project in Nevada’s Eureka Mining District. Two styles of mineralization are predominant in the district, 1) polymetallic (±gold) system(s) developed in skarn and replacement bodies adjacent to early Cretaceous intrusions, and 2) younger Carlin-style gold mineralization that overprints the older polymetallic mineralization.
EMX is targeting the superposition of Carlin-style gold mineralization on iron-rich skarns containing Pb-Zn-Ag-Au mineralization surrounding the Graveyard Flats pluton. Polymetallic skarns provide an excellent chemical trap for higher-grade gold mineralization related to Carlin-type fluids at the Archimedes Mine, approximately 1.5 kilometers to the west. A CSAMT geophysical survey indicates the eastern edge of the Graveyard Flats pluton is located on EMX’s property, with favorable stratigraphic host rocks under post-mineral cover. Prominent structural zones with Carlin-style mineralization project under the post-mineral cover onto the Richmond Mountain property where the interpreted eastern edge of the Graveyard Flats pluton is located. EMX believes an analog to the Archimedes style of mineralization may be present on the eastern contact of the Graveyard Flats pluton.
*Nearby mines and deposits provide context for the project, but do not necessarily indicate similar size, styles or grade of mineralization within the project.